4.5. The Mamba model guide

Mamba doesn’t use any type of configuration file to generate database schemas, in Mamba the schema is defined in Python classes directly extending the mamba.application.model.Model class.

4.5.1. Creating a new model

We can generate new model classes using the mamba-admin command line tool or adding a new file with a class that inherits from mamba.application.model.Model directly. If you use the command line, you have pass two arguments at least, the model name and the real database table that is related to:

$ mamba-admin model dummy dummy_table

The command above will create a new dummy.py file in the application/model directory with the following content:

# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mamba-file-type: mamba-model -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 - user <user@localhost>

.. model:: Dummy
    :plarform: Linux
    :synopsis: None
.. modelauthor:: user <user@localhost>

from mamba.enterprise import Int
from mamba.application import model

class Dummy(model.Model):

    __storm_table__ = 'dummy_table'

    id = Int(primary=True, unsigned=True)

You can pass many parameters to the mamba-admin model subcommand. You can set the description of the model, the author name and email, the platforms that this model is compatible with and the classname you want for your model.

As you can see in the code that mamba-admin tool generated for us, we define a new class Dummy that inherits from mamba.application.model.Model class and define a static property named __storm_table__ that points to the real name of our database table, dummy_table in this case. The class define another static property id that is an instance of the Storm class storm.properties.Int with the parameters primary and unsigned as True.

Its possible to create subpackages to maintain our models under more order and control using a doted name for the model, for example:

$ mamba-admin model community.users users

The previous command will add a python package community in application/model so finally we can import it in our application with:

.. sourcecode:: python
from application.model.community import users

4.5.2. Mamba’s Storm properties

In mamba we define our database schema just creating new Python classes like the one in the example above. The following is a table of the available Storm types and their SQLite, MySQL/MariaDB and PostgreSQL equivalents:

Property Python SQLite MySQL/MariaDB PostgreSQL
Enum str INT INT INT

All these properties except NativeEnum are common Storm properties. The NativeEnum property class is just a convenience class that we created to support legacy databases that uses native Enum types in the scenario where we can’t change this because the database is used by other applications that we can’t modify to switch to Int type.


The use of the native enum type in MySQL is considered by some developers bad practice and something really evil http://kcy.me/nit3

4.5.3. Properties in deeper detail

A property is a Storm object that maps our classes properties with a related field in the database and perform several other operations as cache values among others.

All property classes define a class level property called variable_class that is an object that represents the value stored in the database as Python and is the part of the library that effectively map the Python representation of the value with the value itself as is stored in the database.

Variables are responsible for setting and getting values on and from the underlying database backend and perform any special operation that is needed to convert the native database types into Python ones. Property constructor parameters

The parameters that are accepted depends on two factors:

  1. The type of the property
  2. The selected underlying database backend

All the options that we can pass to the constructor are optional and some of them has no effects at all in some database backends. Mamba defines the following common parameters:

  • name: The column name in the database. If you set this parameter, the database field and the class attribute can differ. So for example you can have a class attribute called customer_id while in the database the field is called id.

  • primary: If you set this parameter as True, this attribute is considered to map the primary key of the database table. You can create compound keys by using the class level definition __storm_primary__ attribute instead.

  • default: The default value for the property.

  • default_factory: A factory which returns default values for the property. Mainly used when the default value is a mutable one.

  • validator: A callable object that takes three arguments. The validator has to return the value that the property should be set to, if the validator raises an exception, then the property is not set at all. You can’t use validators on references or reference sets but it can be used on a foreign id property to achieve the same result as having a validator on the reference itself. The three arguments taken are:
    1. the object that the property is attached to
    2. the attribute name as a string
    3. the value that is being set
  • size (special behaviour): The behaviour of this attribute differs depending on the database backend and the type of the property we are setting but mainly it sets the size of the field we are defining in the database.

  • allow_none: If set to False, Mamba will not allow None (NULL) values to be inserted.

  • index (special behaviour): If set to True, Mamba will create an index for that field.

  • unique (special behaviour): If set to True, Mamba will create an unique index for that field.

  • unsigned (special behaviour): The unsigned parameter has different behaviours depending in the database engine and the type as well. Basically, it sets a numeric field as unsigned, this is mainly used with MySQL/MariaDB database engines.

  • auto_increment (special behaviour): As his friends above, this parameters has special meanings depending on database engine and field type. It’s used to set a column as an auto incremental field (mainly primary keys id’s).

  • array (postgres only): This parameter is used to define an array type for PostgreSQL databases. PostgreSQL allows table columnns to be defined as variable-length multidimensional arrays.

The size, index, unique, unsigned, auto_increment and array attributes are not present on Storm, they are implemented only in Mamba and its utility is closely related to the ability of Mamba to generate SQL schemas using Python classes definitions. Defining a default behaviour

Mamba allows you to run queries synchronous or asynchronous by passing the parameter async on functions like read, find, update, create and so on. However, sometimes, you want that a specific model to have a default behaviour. Mamba’s default is always asynchronous, but if you want to make queries on a specific model always synchronous, you can just set __mamba_async__ property.

from mamba.enterprise import Int
from mamba.application import model

class Dummy(model.Model):

    __storm_table__ = 'dummy'
    __mamba_async__ = False

    id = Int()
    status = Int()

Queries on this model will always run synchronous.


You can always override the default behaviour for a single operation. If you issue Dummy().read(1, async=True), this single query will be executed asynchronously. Defining compound keys

To define a compound key we have to use the __storm_primary__ class-level attribute and set it as a tuple with the names of the properties that composes the primary key:

from mamba.enterprise import Int
from mamba.application import model

class Dummy(model.Model):

    __storm_table__ = 'dummy'
    __storm_primary__ = 'id', 'status'

    id = Int()
    status = Int() Defining an unique for multiple columns

To define a compound unique we have to use the __mamba_unique__ class-level attribute and set it as a tuple of tuples with the names of the properties that composes the compound unique index:

from mamba.enterprise import Int
from mamba.application import model

class Dummy(model.Model):

    __storm_table__ = 'dummy'
    __mamba_unique__ = (('id', 'status'), )

    id = Int()
    status = Int() Defining an index for multiple columns

To define a compound index we have to use the __mamba_index__ class-level attribute and set it as a tuple of tuples with the names of the properties that composes the compound index:

from mamba.enterprise import Int
from mamba.application import model

class Dummy(model.Model):

    __storm_table__ = 'dummy'
    __mamba_index__ = (('id', 'status'), )

    id = Int()
    status = Int() Understanding size

If we set the size parameter in an Unicode property, Mamba will use it to specify the length of the varchar in the SQL representation. For example:

name = Unicode(size=64)

will be mapped to

name VARCHAR(64)

in the resulting SQL schema. It works with any type of database backend that we set.

If the property type that we use is Decimal it will work on MySQL/MariaDB only and should be completely ignored by PostgreSQL and SQLite backends. In the case of MySQL and Decimal the size attribute has special meaning depending on the type that you use to define it. That is in this way because you can define a size and a precision in the decimal part of the value:

some_field = Decimal(size=(10, 2))  # using a tuple
some_field = Decimal(size=[10, 2])  # using a list
some_field = Decimal(size=10.2)     # using a float
some_field = Decimal(size='10,2')   # using a string
some_field = Decimal(size=10)       # using an int (precission is set to 2)

In the above examples, the size is set to 10 and the precision to 2. When passing a single int, the precision is set to 2 by default.

If the property type is Int, Mamba should ignore it for PostgreSQL and SQLite. If the configured backend is MySQL, Mamba will use the given parameter as the size of the int:

age = Int(size=2)

should be mapped to

age INT(2) Some notes about unsigned

Unsigned is completely ignored by PostgreSQL and SQLite backends so it has no effect at all if you are using any of them. The auto_increment attribute

This attribute sets a colums or field as AUTO INCREMENT in MySQL and MariaDB backends if it’s present and True in a Int property, otherwise is ignored. This is normally used with primary attribute also set as True.

If you define auto_increment as True in a Int type property using a PostgreSQL backend, then it will be automaticaly transformed to a serial type.

This attribute is ignored when using SQLite backend.

4.5.4. Model operations

Create and insert a new object into the database is pretty straightforward, we just have to create a new instance of our model and call the create method on it:

>>> dummy = Dummy()
>>> dummy.name = u'The Dummy'
>>> dummy.create(async=False)

Read a model instance (or row) from the database is as easy as using the read method of the Model class with the id of the row we want to get from the database:

>>> dummy = Dummy.read(1, async=False)

Update is performed in the same easy way, we just modify our object and call the update method on it:

>>> dummy.name = u'Modified Dummy'
>>> dummy.update(async=False)

The delete operation is no different, we just call the delete method from our object (note that this doesn’t delete the object reference itself, only the databse row):

>>> dummy.delete()


In Mamba, by default, CRUD operations are executed as Twisted transactions in the model object if we don’t override the methods to have a different behaviour or add the async=False named param to the call. Other model operations for your convenience

Mamba supports the find and all for your convenience.

>>> [c.name for c in Customer.all(async=False)]
>>> [c.name for c in Customer.find(Customer.age >= 30)]


The find method accepts the same arguments and options than the regular Storm store.find but you don’t have to define the model to look for as is automatically added for you.

4.5.5. References

We can define references between models (and between tables by extension) instantiating Reference and ReferenceSet objects in our model definition:

from mamba.application import model
from mamba.enterprise import Int, Reference

from application.model.dojo import Dojo

class Fighter(model.Model):

    __storm_table__ = 'fighter'
    __mamba_async__ = False  # we don't want go asynchronous as we are on terminal

    id = Int(primary=True, auto_increment=True, unsigned=True)
    dojo_id = Int(unsigned=True)
    dojo = Reference(dojo_id, Dojo.id)

In the previous example we defined a Fighter class that defines a many-to-one reference with the Dojo class imported from the dojo model. As this reference has been set we can use the following code to refer to the fighter’s dojo in our application:

>>> fighter = Fighter().read(1)
>>> print(fighter.dojo.id)
>>> print(fighter.dojo.name)

Many-to-many relationships are a bit more complex than the last example. Let’s continue with our previous fighter example to draw this operation:

from mamba.application import model
from mamba.enterprise import Join, Select, Not
from mamba.enterprise import Int, Unicode, Reference, ReferenceSet

from application.model.dojo import Dojo
from application.model.tournament import Tournament

class Fighter(model.Model):

    __storm_table__ = 'fighter'
    __mamba_async__ = False  # we don't want go asynchronous as we are on terminal

    id = Int(primary=True, auto_increment=True, unsigned=True)
    name = Unicode(size=128)
    dojo_id = Int(unsigned=true)
    dojo = Reference(dojo_id, Dojo.id)

    def __init__(self, name):
        self.name = name

class TournamentFighter(model.Model):

    __storm_table__ = 'tournament_fighter'
    __storm_primary__ = 'tournament_id', 'fighter_id'
    __mamba_async__ = False  # we don't want go asynchronous as we are on terminal

    tournament_id = Int(unsigned=True)
    fighter_id = Int(unsigned=True)


Tournament and Dojo definition classes has been avoided to maintain the simplicity of the example

In the above example we defined a TournamentFighter class to reference tournaments and fighters in a many-to-many relationship. We defined a compound primary key with the tournament_id and fighter_id fields. To make the relationship real we have to add a ReferenceSet:

Tournament.fighters = ReferenceSet(
    Tournament.id, TournamentFighter.tournament_id,
    TournamentFighter.fighter_id, Fighter.id

We can also add the definition to the Tournament class definition directly but in that case we have to use special inheritance that we didn’t see yet, we will cover it later in this chapter. Since the reference set is created we can use it as follows:

>>> chuck = Fighter(u'Chuck Norris')
>>> bruce = Fighter(u'Bruce Lee')

>>> kung_fu_masters = Tournament(u'Kung Fu Masters Tournament')
>>> kung_fu_masters.fighters.add(chuck)
>>> kung_fu_masters.fighters.add(bruce)

>>> kung_fu_masters.fighters.count()

>>> store.get(TournamentFighters, (kung_fu_masters.id, chuck.id))
<TournamentFighter object at 0x...>

>>> [fighter.name for fighter in kung_fu_masters.fighters]
[u'Chuck Norris', u'Bruce Lee']

We can also create a reverse relationship between fighters and tournaments to know in which tournaments a fighter is figthing on:

>>> Fighter.tournaments = ReferenceSet(
    Fighter.id, TournamentFighter.fighter_id,
    TournamentFighter.tournament_id, Tournament.id

>>> [tournament.name for tournament in chuck.tournaments]
[u'Kung Fu Masters Tournament']

4.5.6. SQL Subselects

Sometimes we need to use subselects to retrieve some data, for example we may want to get all the fighters that are not actually figthing in any tournament:

>>> yip_man = Fighter(u'Yip Man')
>>> store.add(yip_man)

>>> [fighter.name for fighter in store.find(
        Fighter, Not(Fighter.id.is_in(Select(
            TournamentFighter.fighter_id, distinct=True))
[u'Yip Man']

You can split this operation in two steps for improved readability:

>>> subselect = Select(TournamentFighter.fighter_id, distinct=True)
>>> result = store.find(Fighter, Not(Fighter.id.is_in(subselect)))

4.5.7. SQL Joins

We can perform implicit or explicit joins. An implicit join that use the data in our previous examples may be:

>>> resutl = store.find(
    Dojo, Fighter.dojo_id == Dojo.id, Fighter.name.like(u'%Lee')

>>> [dojo.name for dojo in result]
[u'Bruce Lee awesome Dojo']

The same query using explicit joins should look like:

>>> join = [Dojo, Join(Fighter, Fighter.dojo_id == Dojo.id)]
>>> result = store.using(*join).find(Dojo, Fighter.name.like(u'%Lee'))

>>> [dojo.name for dojo in result]
[u'Bruce Lee awesome Dojo']

Or more compact syntax as:

>>> [dojo.name for dojo in store.using(
        Dojo, Join(Fighter, Fighter.dojo_id == Dojo.id)
    ).find(Dojo, Fighter.name.like(u'%Lee'))]
[u'Bruce Lee awesome Dojo']

4.5.8. Common SQL operations

Two common operations with SQL are just ordering and limiting results, you can also perform those operations using the underlying Storm ORM when you are using Mamba models. Order our results is really simple as you can see in the following example:

>>> result = store.find(Fighter)
>>> [fighter.name for fighter in result.order_by(Fighter.name)]
[u'Bruce Lee', u'Chuck Norris', u'Yip Man']

>>> [fighter.name for fighter in result.order_by(Desc(Fighter.name))]
[u'Yip Man', u'Chuck Norris', u'Bruce Lee']

In the example above we get all the records from the fighters database and order them by name and then order them by name in descendent way. As you can see Chuck Norris is always inmutable but that is just because he is Chuck Norris.

To limit the given results we just slice the result:

>>> [fighter.name for fighter in result.order_by(Fighter.name)[:2]]
[u'Bruce Lee', u'Chuck Norris']

Those slices are translated to OFFSET and LIMIT in the underlaying database SQL query by Storm so this last operation is translated to something like this for MySQL/MariaDB:

SELECT fighter.name FROM fighters LIMIT 2 OFFSET 0

Storm adds the possibility to use SQL expressions in an agnostic database backend way to perform those operations as well:

>>> result = store.execute(Select(Fighter.name, order_by=Desc(Fighter.name), limit=2))
>>> result.get_all()
[(u'Yip Man',), (u'Chuck Norris',)]

4.5.9. Multiple results

Sometimes is useful that we get more than one object from the underlying database using only one query:

>>> result = store.find(
    (Dojo, Fighter),
    Fighter.dojo_id == Dojo.id, Fighter.name.like(u'Bruce %')

>>> [(dojo.name, fighter.name) for dojo, fighter in result]
[(u'Bruce Lee awesome Dojo', u'Bruce Lee')]

4.5.10. Value auto reload and expression values

Storm offers a way to make values to be auto reloaded from the database when touched. This is performed assigning the AutoReload attribute to it

>>> from storm.locals import AutoReload

>>> steven = store.add(Person(u'Steven'))
>>> print(steven.id)

>>> steven.id = AutoReload

Steven has been autoflushed into the database. This is useful to making objects automatically flushed if necessary.

You can also assign what in the Storm project they call a “lazy expression” to any attribute. The expressions are flushed to the database when the attribute is accessed or when the object is flushed to the database.

>>> from storm.locals import SQL
>>> steven.name = SQL('(SELECT name || ? FROM fighter WHERE id=4)', (' Seagal',))
>>> steven.name
u'Steven Seagal'

4.5.11. Serialize

You can serialize Model objects either to a dictionary or to JSON. All references will be serialized correctly and you can specify, if you like, specify only the fields you’d like in a fields parameter or fields to exclude in a exclude parameter.

The json property is very simple, it returns a JSON representation of the model instance.

>>> customer = Customer.find(Customer.id == 2, async=False)
>>> customer.json
'{"name": "Austin Powers", "id": 2, "adresses": [{"street": "Memory Lane", "postcode": 60}]}'

The dict function supports more options, however.

>>> customer = Customer.find(Customer.id == 2, async=False)
>>> customer.dict(json=True)  # json property uses dict method internally
'{"name": "Austin Powers", "id": 2, "adresses": [{"street": "Memory Lane", "postcode": 60}]}'
>>> customer.dict(traverse=False, json=True)  # We don't want references
'{"name": "Austin Powers", "id": 2}'
>>> customer.dict(traverse=False, json=True, exclude=['name'])
'{"id": 2}'
>>> customer.dict(traverse=False, json=True, fields=['id', 'adresses.street'])  # Specify a single field in the reference
'"id": 2, "adresses": [{"street": "Memory Lane"}]}'

4.5.12. Queries debug

Sometimes is really useful to see which statement Storm is being executed behind the curtains. We can use a debug tracer that comes integrated in Storm itself. Using it is really easy:

>>> import sys
>>> from storm.tracer import debug

>>> debug(True, stream=sys.stdout)
>>> result = store.find(Fighter, Fighter.id == 1)
>>> list(result)
EXECUTE: 'SELECT fighter.id, fighter.name, fighter.dojo_id FROM fighters WHERE fighter.id = 1', ()
[<Fighter object at 0x...>]

>>> debug(False)
>>> list(result)
[<Fighter object at 0x...>]

4.5.13. Real SQL Queries

We can use real database dependant queries if we want to:

>>> result = store.execute('SELECT * FROM fighters')
>>> result.get_all()
[u'Bruce Lee', u'Chuck Norris', u'Yip Man', u'Steven Seagal']

4.5.14. The Storm base class

In some situations we are not going to be able to import every other model class into our local scope (mainly because circular import issues) to define Reference and ReferenceSet properties. In that scenario we can define these references using a stringfield version of the class and property names involved in the relationship.

To do that, we have to inherit our classes from the Storm base class as well as from Model class. There is another inconvenience related with this. When we inherit from both classes we have to define that the metaclass of the class that we are defining is MambaStorm to avoid metaclass collisions between mamba model and storm itself.

from mamba.enterprise import Int, Unicode, Reference, ReferenceSet

class Fighter(model.Model, Storm):

    __metaclass__ = model.MambaStorm
    __storm_table__ = 'fighters'

    id = Int(primary=True)
    name = Unicode()
    dojo_id = Int()
    dojo = Reference(dojo_id, 'Dojo.id')